Sunday, January 9, 2022

My New Word for 2022... 

I didn't always get "A Word of the Year," and honestly, thought it was fascinating how friends or some peeps in general would say, "My word of the year IS..." almost like they were declaring it or something. 

THEN 2018 hit.

My VERY FIRST word of the YEAR! 

That year, the Lord gave me the word: BELIEVE. 

My theme verse to go along with BELIEVE was Exodus 34:10 which says, "Then the Lord said: "I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you." 

Let me tell you what-- 

2018 ended as quite the year, all I can say is that it was a TOTAL SHIFT in ministry with a brand new vision and honestly took a little while for me to figure out the shift was about me and moving toward Dreaming BIG and Igniting MY Passion! 

I took the leap into the unknown, and BAM 💥God totally blessed my blind faith to follow where HE was leading.

My word journey continued into 2019, this time God gave me the word: CONNECT. It was the same Bible verse again, "Exodus 34:10" but I knew this was very purposeful on God's part, as it usually is!

2020 was extremely significant, as that year in December God gave me the word PAUSE. My verse, Psalm 46:10 which states, "Be still and know that I am God." 

WHO . WOULD . HAVE . KNOWN that this would be the ultimate PAUSE for the enire world?!? Life as we knew it completely STOPPED.

I've told friends, no matter what was going to happen in 2020 my life was going to PAUSE from ALL things, and Jesus loved me THAT much He stopped the entire world Just . for . Meeee!!! 

2020 was a phenomenal year of digging into my heart and the pains of my past. Going deeper and searching for wounds that I wanted to be sure were healed so that nothing stopped the move of what God wanted to do in and through me. 

I completed course after course, simply working on me. My son AJ had gone to live with his Dad and step Mom when the pandemic began in March and I thought it would only be for a few weeks, however, it continues on to present day... 

Through that circumstance and what felt like the biggest sacrifice of my life - giving up my son after all these 16 years to live with his Dad. It definitely took away every distraction and since I FINALLY had the time, since I wasn't the full time single Mom anymore, I was determined to spend that time wisely and solely on loving and valuing myself. 

Investing in this life God has entrusted me with, as a daughter of the KING! 

From 2020 - 2021 is a COMPLETELY MIRACULOUS STORY of crazy acceleration and my word going into 2021 was SHINE! My verse, Matthew 5:16, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven." 

I'll share the miraculous journey of those years in another blog, but what I can tell you is that it's been the BEST Adventure EVER and yet a grieving of leaving things in my past and saying goodbye to everything I've known for the past 20+ years.

SOOOOOOO on to 2 0 2 2

THIS YEAR... This . Year... 


Late October, one night God woke me up out of my sleep. 
He and I talked, He shared my new word for 2022 is BOLD! 

When God gives me my word for the year, which I'm assuming this won't be the last one He gives, especially now that I LOVE that He gives me a WORD. I don't comprehend what it means exactly at that moment, BUT I trust that He said it, knows what's ahead and so I'll simply believe Him at His word. 


Here we are starting 2022 and I'm on the journey of BOLD. When I looked it up, which is the first thing I like to do when I have my word, BOLD defined as an adjective means, "Courageous, confident, and fearless; ready to take risks. Showing or requiring courage." 

And THIS Year...  I have TWO Bible Verses: 

Deuteronomy 31:6 
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." 


Joshua 1:9 
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 

I promised myself this year I would blog more as I often hear friends and even acquaintances say that they enjoy watching my journey and all God is doing... I will say living it has definitely been QUITE the ADVENTURE!!! 

Hence the name of my blog!! 

Sooooo JOIN ME this year as I will share the journey from years past, as talked about earlier AND what's coming up soon!!

Together we can BOLDLY PURSUE all God has for us... because if it's up to me, I'm taking you to Heaven with me, not only that, we are bringing Heaven to EARTH!!! 

It's time for us to BOLDLY go where NO MAN has GONE BEFORE 
(ok, I couldn't resist that one)!!! 😂

Happy New Year Friends!!! 
Only 9 days in and it's been life changing so far!!! 

Lets determine to be:
BOLD to seek God, 
BOLD to hear His voice, 
and BOLD to share the hope of the Good News and the love of Jesus with a world who so desperately needs what we have!! 

Let the Adventure(s) BEGIN!! :)

Monday, December 31, 2018

Ringing In the New Year

Good Bye 2018... Hello 2019!!! 
2018 was most definitely a MONUMENTAL year for me, when I look back at all the Lord has done I am in awe, total awe of HIM!!!! 

As I LOVE to say it’s My Story for HIS Glory!!!

My Bible Verse this year was Exodus 34:10 (NIV) which says, “Then the Lord said: “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you.”

I love to personalize my Bible verses to include my name and WOW did I ever see God do wonders in my life that amaze even ME!!!

I wrote the list below to share with a friend who lives in another State so she could see what my life has been like this past year and as I typed it, I see miracle after miracle after miracle that God performed for me - why? Because I’m special??? Not especially, but because He LOVES to do the unthinkable when we PRAY BIG!!!

Even if, like a few years ago, it felt like God was doing nothing at all in my life I still praised Him for what I couldn’t see but believed that HE would do miracles in the years to come!!!

This year was the culmination of years & years & years of my prayers, believing when I couldn’t see His hand, I would trust His heart and His timing!

As we close 2018, I pray that whether you didn’t see much of God’s hand in your life or whether it was the best year of your life, we will praise HIM because HE is good and deserves ALL of our praise!!

As I enter this brand new year in 2019 I’ve already been praying Exodus 34:10 again and I’m expecting miracles, miracles for friends, miracles for family, and yet again miracles for MEEEEEE!!!!

Let’s Dream BIG in 2019 
knowing God will answer bold prayers and do the unthinkable!!! 

Below is my “BELIEVE in 2018” list, I pray it blesses you as it did me, to literally see what only a BIG GOD can do!!

♥ JANUARY: Recorded Podcasts with Frances Drost & Pam Fleming 
on, "It's A Brand New Me," Podcast

♥ FEBRUARY: Volunteer Coordinator for the Roadshow Tour at the Giant Center

♥ MARCH: Co-wrote a song with a music producer from Nashville!  /  Wrote a chapter about my life story called, "Dare to Dream," in an anthology book called, “The Beauty in My Mess"

♥ APRIL: Dare to Dream Banquet, raised over $20,000!!!

♥ MAY: Traveled to Atlanta, GA to visit some new, special friends.

♥ JUNE: Got a NEW CAR!!! Due to a defective one I bought in 2015!

♥ JULY: Dare to Dream Single Moms’ Day Out Event – 160 single Moms,140 kids and over 150 volunteers were in attendance!!!  /  Traveled to Rehoboth, DE for a much needed vacation after Dare to Dream  /  Promotion at my company!!!!

♥ AUGUST: Started my new position at The Benecon Group  /  Started up a new HOPE group for Single Moms at another local Church

♥ SEPTEMBER: Traveled to Nashville, TN to record the vocals for my song, yes MY SONG!! Being released in 2019!

♥ OCTOBER: My anthology book, “The Beauty in My Mess” was released on Amazon

♥ NOVEMBER: Volunteered as the Hostess Coordinator at The Women of Purpose Event at The Hershey Lodge.

♥ DECEMBER: Writing a chapter for another book coming out for teen girls. To be released in February 2019!

ONLY God!!!! All I can do is say Thank You Jesus for what only YOU could do!! 

Fastening my seat belt for 2019 ... 
you're going to want to stay tuned for THIS!!!


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Confronting the Tough Stuff

Tonight was hard. 

The pain of my past was almost too much to bear as I walked to my car... alone... 
I had to yet again attend an awards event for my son by myself.


These are the toughest times for me as I'm aware how alone I am because I'm not dating, I'm not married, it's simply me. Although I love my life and where I am, these nights have a sting of pain that is hard -- I'm surrounded by families and then there is ME.  

It's just hard. 

It's hard to be alone when I see my ex-husband with his wife, they have their "couple" friends and are taking my son out to celebrate his note-worthy accomplishment. It makes me super happy for him, and although I don't want to feel sorry for myself, I find it hard not to let tears slip down my face because the pain is so real.

As I drive home, I cry out to God, "WHY God, WHY are you torturing me?" It hit me that I have feelings deep down where I think God is torturing me by keeping me single, then I hear Him tenderly saying, "Cristin, it won't always be like this, you won't always be by yourself, this is a season as I have more things for you to do and you need to be single."  

I KNOW that this is a season and although my feelings are real, I read that God has my best interest at heart, He's not withholding anything good from me just like He talks about in His word in Psalm 84:11 (NIRV)

"The LORD God is like the sun that gives us light.
he is like a shield that keeps us safe. 
The LORD blesses us with favor and honor. 
He doesn't hold back anything good from those whose lives are without blame."  

That's it!!! I need to stand on God's word, not my feelings even though it stings.I will acknowledge how I am feeling, it's hard, but I CHOOSE to believe God at His word and not my fickle feelings.

As I wrap up the night and leave that situation behind me, I still feel the pain but I feel more joy because in Psalm 84:11... God is my LIGHT and my SHIELD and that means HE is guarding MY HEART!!!! 

What a promise! What a night. My HOPE is RESTORED and I CHOOSE to believe God more than my heart and fickle feelings. 

After this very emotional night, I have this advice: 
  • Deal with the tough stuff.
  • Let your tears out.
  • Find Bible verses that remind you that the God of the Universe cares incredibly much about your pain and He is faithful to heal your heart, restore your joy and bring you hope in the midst of pain! 


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Things I Do Not Know...

Jeremiah 33:2-3

"This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it--the LORD is his name: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." 

Oh those verses, I LOVE them! Love Love LOVE them!! 

I LOVE the idea that the LORD tells me to call to HIM and HE will answer and tell ME great and unsearchable things ... and get this... THINGS I do not KNOW!!!

He will tell Meeeeee!! 

That makes me feel special, the God who created the Universe would want to tell ME things - and things I don't even know YET!!!!???? 

Well, guess what?? 

I'm going to ask Him. 

Ask Him to show me what's next, ask Him how to take the next steps in this journey I'm walking because as I've given up dating for the next year of my life, seems to be that my life is picking up in ways I could have NEVER imagined. 

Lately I've been feeling that God is calling me to start up other single Mom groups in Lancaster County, but in order to do that I have to have people who want to lead, people who will watch children and an individual who is passionate about reaching out to these ladies. That's not always the easiest feat to accomplish BUTTTTTTT when God sets it up, WATCH OUT!!!! 

Last night as I was meeting with a very good friend of mine we talked for hours about life, what God is doing, how things are going... 

THEN it happened... as it's almost time for me to pick up my son from his Dad's house my friend says, "I HAVE to tell you about Amanda." 

She proceeds to tell me that Amanda has a desire to start a group and that it's something her church would stand behind -- I could have jumped out of my SKIN because I KNEW this was God! ONLY GOD could set this up because you see just a few days earlier when I was talking with my Pastor at church, I said, "Pastor Kevin, I feel that God is calling me to mentor myself out of our single Moms group to go and start up other groups in Lancaster County." He looked at me and with a smile on his face said, "Cristin, you don't have any plans to slow down do you?" 

I don't. I feel such a passion and purpose in this time in my life, like never before!! I want to reach as many single Moms for Jesus as possible because the hope that I've been given and the freedom I feel and the relationship that I have with Jesus I HAVE to share that, I HAVE to bring as many single Moms on this journey with me as possible. I know God allowed me to make it through all the hard times for SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!!!! 

Had I not recently committed my life to no dating for the next year, I truly believe I'd be in a very different place today. BUT I made that commitment AND God is doing HIS thing AND I'm BEYOND excited to see God opening doors that I do not know about BUT that I'm going to ask HIM, because as from what the verses above state, I CAN ASK GOD to show me and HE says He WILL!!!!! 

I believe it. 

I'm going to write about it. 

AND I'm going to look back at this time in my life and know that this is going to be one very EXCITING Adventure.

Fastening my seat belt :)  

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Prayer of Jabez

"Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, 
"Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! 
Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm 
so that I will be free from pain." 
And God granted his request." 
 1 Chronicles 4:10

The Prayer of Jabez. 

Who would've known that by praying this simple prayer God would answer. It's actually astonishing to me really. WHY would praying THOSE words bring about God blessing ME indeed and even more so ENLARGING my territory? 

I don't know if it's really the words or that God simply knows my heart. My longing to touch others for HIM - to use my story for HIS glory. What I've learned is that He LOVES to bless us and when we believe with a heart of faith knowing He hears, it changes things, it changes MY LIFE!! It changes ME! 

I've been praying this prayer a lot lately and who would've known that today would be one of those days that proved to be one where I have a feeling God is enlarging my life somehow, someway. It's only a feeling at the moment, but it's a familiar feeling, a feeling that, "it could only be the Holy Spirit" kind of feeling. I get those at times and there's no denying God is up to something and I'm READY to go!!! 

Time will tell is what I like to say, and I'm EX.CIT.ED because you see I've been praying because TO-DAY was an answer to my prayers... 

A few months back I was asked to be a hostess at the Women of Purpose Annual Conference held in November. I JUMPED at the opportunity to be part of this event and help serve. When I said yes that day I really thought it would be to assist a workshop leader, which would be such an honor. 

Sooooo today as I opened up my email you can only imagine my surprise when I started reading and a few names down it listed me being a hostess for TAMMY TRENT, a Christian artist who has been inspiring people with her testimony and music for YEARS!! 

I think I'm still in shock, but here's the thing, I get to hang out with this special lady for the ENTIRE CONFERENCE. I have to help her with her luggage, walk her to her room, take her to dinner, to the green room when she's to be on stage... TOTALLY serve her!!!! WHAT an opportunity!! 

To THAT I say -- WHAT a GREAT GOD!!! Because you see I've been praying -- praying the Prayer of Jabez, only God knew and only He could have set this opportunity up because no one knew I was praying this prayer... I WAS praying and now THIS opportunity... 

Truly God… ONLY God!!! O.N.L.Y God!!!!!! 

He sees me, He hears me, HE answers MEEEEE… He LOOOOOOVVVEEEESSS me!!!!!

AND I'm going to continue praying this prayer, and many days nothing may happen…
BUT all of a sudden, one day, out of no where, it happens... God brings an opportunity that only HE could have set up just for MEEEE!!! 

I feel COMPLETELY blessed by the God of the Universe - that He, HE would hear me and answer. 

Simply amazing.

Monday, October 3, 2016

When God Writes Your Love Story

Image result for When God writes your love story images

There it is... THE Book. 

God... He's always working in my life... always using people, books, songs, messages either from His word or from preachers and teachers to speak to me.Lately I've been listening to "The New Rules for LOVE SEX & DATING," by Andy Stanley and there is this... 

THIS Book - "When God Writes Your Love Story," by Eric & Leslie Ludy.  

Wow. Has God ever been speaking to me about letting HIM write my love story... That is a new concept to me.  

As a single Mom it's been a struggle because often I don't feel lovable or like I deserve love. But that's not what this is about at all. I think the point is that God wants a divine relationship with me and that is what it's really all about right now... it's about Him - Him wanting to love on me and desiring to have a special, intimate, relationship WITH ME


The details are many up to this point in my life to what led me to make the decision on September 26, 2016 to stop dating for a year. 

That's right ONE YEAR!  

I've decided to let God write my love story and document it all here, to show that this will be the BEST adventure ever. I know I'll look back a year from now and say, "Thank you God, thank YOU for who you've made ME to be for the man you have waiting for me!" 

This is my journey this upcoming year to end 2016 and start 2017... I can't WAIT. Can't wait to learn contentment in the struggle. To learn to use my loneliness to reach out of myself to others. To learn to be in the moment with my little man. To learn to simply be. Be ALL of who God desires me to be so that He can get the glory from my story!!!!!  

This is my new adventure.... I'm EX.CIT.ED... Here we gooooo.... 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Here We Go!

My first blog... WOW! 

I felt compelled to share my thoughts on a blog. Is that odd? Maybe, but seems everyone is doing it... so why not MEEEE :) 

I'm excited to share my many adventures of what God is doing, not only in my heart, but in my life, how He is answering my prayers, what He's been wanting me to do, and my new journey I am starting to travel. 

It began on September 26, 2016... for now I must go pick up my little man and so this adventure will need to be continued another time!!!