Sunday, January 9, 2022

My New Word for 2022... 

I didn't always get "A Word of the Year," and honestly, thought it was fascinating how friends or some peeps in general would say, "My word of the year IS..." almost like they were declaring it or something. 

THEN 2018 hit.

My VERY FIRST word of the YEAR! 

That year, the Lord gave me the word: BELIEVE. 

My theme verse to go along with BELIEVE was Exodus 34:10 which says, "Then the Lord said: "I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you." 

Let me tell you what-- 

2018 ended as quite the year, all I can say is that it was a TOTAL SHIFT in ministry with a brand new vision and honestly took a little while for me to figure out the shift was about me and moving toward Dreaming BIG and Igniting MY Passion! 

I took the leap into the unknown, and BAM 💥God totally blessed my blind faith to follow where HE was leading.

My word journey continued into 2019, this time God gave me the word: CONNECT. It was the same Bible verse again, "Exodus 34:10" but I knew this was very purposeful on God's part, as it usually is!

2020 was extremely significant, as that year in December God gave me the word PAUSE. My verse, Psalm 46:10 which states, "Be still and know that I am God." 

WHO . WOULD . HAVE . KNOWN that this would be the ultimate PAUSE for the enire world?!? Life as we knew it completely STOPPED.

I've told friends, no matter what was going to happen in 2020 my life was going to PAUSE from ALL things, and Jesus loved me THAT much He stopped the entire world Just . for . Meeee!!! 

2020 was a phenomenal year of digging into my heart and the pains of my past. Going deeper and searching for wounds that I wanted to be sure were healed so that nothing stopped the move of what God wanted to do in and through me. 

I completed course after course, simply working on me. My son AJ had gone to live with his Dad and step Mom when the pandemic began in March and I thought it would only be for a few weeks, however, it continues on to present day... 

Through that circumstance and what felt like the biggest sacrifice of my life - giving up my son after all these 16 years to live with his Dad. It definitely took away every distraction and since I FINALLY had the time, since I wasn't the full time single Mom anymore, I was determined to spend that time wisely and solely on loving and valuing myself. 

Investing in this life God has entrusted me with, as a daughter of the KING! 

From 2020 - 2021 is a COMPLETELY MIRACULOUS STORY of crazy acceleration and my word going into 2021 was SHINE! My verse, Matthew 5:16, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven." 

I'll share the miraculous journey of those years in another blog, but what I can tell you is that it's been the BEST Adventure EVER and yet a grieving of leaving things in my past and saying goodbye to everything I've known for the past 20+ years.

SOOOOOOO on to 2 0 2 2

THIS YEAR... This . Year... 


Late October, one night God woke me up out of my sleep. 
He and I talked, He shared my new word for 2022 is BOLD! 

When God gives me my word for the year, which I'm assuming this won't be the last one He gives, especially now that I LOVE that He gives me a WORD. I don't comprehend what it means exactly at that moment, BUT I trust that He said it, knows what's ahead and so I'll simply believe Him at His word. 


Here we are starting 2022 and I'm on the journey of BOLD. When I looked it up, which is the first thing I like to do when I have my word, BOLD defined as an adjective means, "Courageous, confident, and fearless; ready to take risks. Showing or requiring courage." 

And THIS Year...  I have TWO Bible Verses: 

Deuteronomy 31:6 
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." 


Joshua 1:9 
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 

I promised myself this year I would blog more as I often hear friends and even acquaintances say that they enjoy watching my journey and all God is doing... I will say living it has definitely been QUITE the ADVENTURE!!! 

Hence the name of my blog!! 

Sooooo JOIN ME this year as I will share the journey from years past, as talked about earlier AND what's coming up soon!!

Together we can BOLDLY PURSUE all God has for us... because if it's up to me, I'm taking you to Heaven with me, not only that, we are bringing Heaven to EARTH!!! 

It's time for us to BOLDLY go where NO MAN has GONE BEFORE 
(ok, I couldn't resist that one)!!! 😂

Happy New Year Friends!!! 
Only 9 days in and it's been life changing so far!!! 

Lets determine to be:
BOLD to seek God, 
BOLD to hear His voice, 
and BOLD to share the hope of the Good News and the love of Jesus with a world who so desperately needs what we have!! 

Let the Adventure(s) BEGIN!! :)

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