Monday, December 31, 2018

Ringing In the New Year

Good Bye 2018... Hello 2019!!! 
2018 was most definitely a MONUMENTAL year for me, when I look back at all the Lord has done I am in awe, total awe of HIM!!!! 

As I LOVE to say it’s My Story for HIS Glory!!!

My Bible Verse this year was Exodus 34:10 (NIV) which says, “Then the Lord said: “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you.”

I love to personalize my Bible verses to include my name and WOW did I ever see God do wonders in my life that amaze even ME!!!

I wrote the list below to share with a friend who lives in another State so she could see what my life has been like this past year and as I typed it, I see miracle after miracle after miracle that God performed for me - why? Because I’m special??? Not especially, but because He LOVES to do the unthinkable when we PRAY BIG!!!

Even if, like a few years ago, it felt like God was doing nothing at all in my life I still praised Him for what I couldn’t see but believed that HE would do miracles in the years to come!!!

This year was the culmination of years & years & years of my prayers, believing when I couldn’t see His hand, I would trust His heart and His timing!

As we close 2018, I pray that whether you didn’t see much of God’s hand in your life or whether it was the best year of your life, we will praise HIM because HE is good and deserves ALL of our praise!!

As I enter this brand new year in 2019 I’ve already been praying Exodus 34:10 again and I’m expecting miracles, miracles for friends, miracles for family, and yet again miracles for MEEEEEE!!!!

Let’s Dream BIG in 2019 
knowing God will answer bold prayers and do the unthinkable!!! 

Below is my “BELIEVE in 2018” list, I pray it blesses you as it did me, to literally see what only a BIG GOD can do!!

♥ JANUARY: Recorded Podcasts with Frances Drost & Pam Fleming 
on, "It's A Brand New Me," Podcast

♥ FEBRUARY: Volunteer Coordinator for the Roadshow Tour at the Giant Center

♥ MARCH: Co-wrote a song with a music producer from Nashville!  /  Wrote a chapter about my life story called, "Dare to Dream," in an anthology book called, “The Beauty in My Mess"

♥ APRIL: Dare to Dream Banquet, raised over $20,000!!!

♥ MAY: Traveled to Atlanta, GA to visit some new, special friends.

♥ JUNE: Got a NEW CAR!!! Due to a defective one I bought in 2015!

♥ JULY: Dare to Dream Single Moms’ Day Out Event – 160 single Moms,140 kids and over 150 volunteers were in attendance!!!  /  Traveled to Rehoboth, DE for a much needed vacation after Dare to Dream  /  Promotion at my company!!!!

♥ AUGUST: Started my new position at The Benecon Group  /  Started up a new HOPE group for Single Moms at another local Church

♥ SEPTEMBER: Traveled to Nashville, TN to record the vocals for my song, yes MY SONG!! Being released in 2019!

♥ OCTOBER: My anthology book, “The Beauty in My Mess” was released on Amazon

♥ NOVEMBER: Volunteered as the Hostess Coordinator at The Women of Purpose Event at The Hershey Lodge.

♥ DECEMBER: Writing a chapter for another book coming out for teen girls. To be released in February 2019!

ONLY God!!!! All I can do is say Thank You Jesus for what only YOU could do!! 

Fastening my seat belt for 2019 ... 
you're going to want to stay tuned for THIS!!!


1 comment:

  1. You are such an amazing woman Cristin Germaine! Thank you for sharing a piece of your faith journey to glorify God and inspire others!
