Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Things I Do Not Know...

Jeremiah 33:2-3

"This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it--the LORD is his name: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." 

Oh those verses, I LOVE them! Love Love LOVE them!! 

I LOVE the idea that the LORD tells me to call to HIM and HE will answer and tell ME great and unsearchable things ... and get this... THINGS I do not KNOW!!!

He will tell Meeeeee!! 

That makes me feel special, the God who created the Universe would want to tell ME things - and things I don't even know YET!!!!???? 

Well, guess what?? 

I'm going to ask Him. 

Ask Him to show me what's next, ask Him how to take the next steps in this journey I'm walking because as I've given up dating for the next year of my life, seems to be that my life is picking up in ways I could have NEVER imagined. 

Lately I've been feeling that God is calling me to start up other single Mom groups in Lancaster County, but in order to do that I have to have people who want to lead, people who will watch children and an individual who is passionate about reaching out to these ladies. That's not always the easiest feat to accomplish BUTTTTTTT when God sets it up, WATCH OUT!!!! 

Last night as I was meeting with a very good friend of mine we talked for hours about life, what God is doing, how things are going... 

THEN it happened... as it's almost time for me to pick up my son from his Dad's house my friend says, "I HAVE to tell you about Amanda." 

She proceeds to tell me that Amanda has a desire to start a group and that it's something her church would stand behind -- I could have jumped out of my SKIN because I KNEW this was God! ONLY GOD could set this up because you see just a few days earlier when I was talking with my Pastor at church, I said, "Pastor Kevin, I feel that God is calling me to mentor myself out of our single Moms group to go and start up other groups in Lancaster County." He looked at me and with a smile on his face said, "Cristin, you don't have any plans to slow down do you?" 

I don't. I feel such a passion and purpose in this time in my life, like never before!! I want to reach as many single Moms for Jesus as possible because the hope that I've been given and the freedom I feel and the relationship that I have with Jesus I HAVE to share that, I HAVE to bring as many single Moms on this journey with me as possible. I know God allowed me to make it through all the hard times for SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!!!! 

Had I not recently committed my life to no dating for the next year, I truly believe I'd be in a very different place today. BUT I made that commitment AND God is doing HIS thing AND I'm BEYOND excited to see God opening doors that I do not know about BUT that I'm going to ask HIM, because as from what the verses above state, I CAN ASK GOD to show me and HE says He WILL!!!!! 

I believe it. 

I'm going to write about it. 

AND I'm going to look back at this time in my life and know that this is going to be one very EXCITING Adventure.

Fastening my seat belt :)  

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