Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Prayer of Jabez

"Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, 
"Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! 
Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm 
so that I will be free from pain." 
And God granted his request." 
 1 Chronicles 4:10

The Prayer of Jabez. 

Who would've known that by praying this simple prayer God would answer. It's actually astonishing to me really. WHY would praying THOSE words bring about God blessing ME indeed and even more so ENLARGING my territory? 

I don't know if it's really the words or that God simply knows my heart. My longing to touch others for HIM - to use my story for HIS glory. What I've learned is that He LOVES to bless us and when we believe with a heart of faith knowing He hears, it changes things, it changes MY LIFE!! It changes ME! 

I've been praying this prayer a lot lately and who would've known that today would be one of those days that proved to be one where I have a feeling God is enlarging my life somehow, someway. It's only a feeling at the moment, but it's a familiar feeling, a feeling that, "it could only be the Holy Spirit" kind of feeling. I get those at times and there's no denying God is up to something and I'm READY to go!!! 

Time will tell is what I like to say, and I'm EX.CIT.ED because you see I've been praying because TO-DAY was an answer to my prayers... 

A few months back I was asked to be a hostess at the Women of Purpose Annual Conference held in November. I JUMPED at the opportunity to be part of this event and help serve. When I said yes that day I really thought it would be to assist a workshop leader, which would be such an honor. 

Sooooo today as I opened up my email you can only imagine my surprise when I started reading and a few names down it listed me being a hostess for TAMMY TRENT, a Christian artist who has been inspiring people with her testimony and music for YEARS!! 

I think I'm still in shock, but here's the thing, I get to hang out with this special lady for the ENTIRE CONFERENCE. I have to help her with her luggage, walk her to her room, take her to dinner, to the green room when she's to be on stage... TOTALLY serve her!!!! WHAT an opportunity!! 

To THAT I say -- WHAT a GREAT GOD!!! Because you see I've been praying -- praying the Prayer of Jabez, only God knew and only He could have set this opportunity up because no one knew I was praying this prayer... I WAS praying and now THIS opportunity... 

Truly God… ONLY God!!! O.N.L.Y God!!!!!! 

He sees me, He hears me, HE answers MEEEEE… He LOOOOOOVVVEEEESSS me!!!!!

AND I'm going to continue praying this prayer, and many days nothing may happen…
BUT all of a sudden, one day, out of no where, it happens... God brings an opportunity that only HE could have set up just for MEEEE!!! 

I feel COMPLETELY blessed by the God of the Universe - that He, HE would hear me and answer. 

Simply amazing.

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